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Contacts API Testing

TODO Complete this doc in

This library provides the TestContacts and MockContacts, which you can use as a substitute to your Contacts API instance in;

UI instrumentation tests

TODO Show usage of TestContacts

Unit & integration tests

TODO Show usage of MockContacts

Production test mode

The TestContacts may also be used in your production apps, not just in tests. If you want your production app to interact (query, insert, update, delete) with only "test contacts", all you would need to do is substitute your Contacts API instance with an instance of TestContacts.

fun provideContactsApi(context: Context): Contacts = if (test) {
} else {

ℹ️ The above code block is just pseudo-code for a dependency injection setup.

For example, if you are building a contacts app, you can add a "test" or "debug" mode such that only test contacts are;

  • returned by query APIs
  • updated by update APIs
  • inserted by insert APIs
  • deleted by delete APIs

When turning off test/debug mode, you can easily delete all test contacts created during the session and return to normal mode.