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Insert data into new or existing contacts

Data can only be created/inserted into the database whenever inserting or updating new or existing contacts.

When using insert and update APIs such as Insert, ProfileInsert, Update, and ProfileUpdate, you are able to create/insert data into new or existing RawContacts respectively.

For example, to insert an email into a new contact using the Insert API,

    .rawContact {

ℹ️ For more info, read Insert contacts.

To insert an email into a new Profile contact using the ProfileInsert API,

    .rawContact {

ℹ️ For more info, read Insert device owner Contact profile.

To insert an email into an existing contact using the Update API,

    .contacts(existingContact.mutableCopy {

ℹ️ For more info, read Update contacts.

To insert an email into an the existing Profile Contact using the ProfileUpdate API,

    .contact(existingProfileContact.mutableCopy {

ℹ️ For more info, read Update device owner Contact profile.

Blank data are not inserted

Blank data are data entities that have only null, empty, or blank primary value(s). Blanks are ignored and are not inserted by insert APIs.

For more info, read about Blank data.