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Get set contact options

This library provides several functions to interact with Contact and RawContact options; starred, send to voicemail, and ringtone.

⚠️ The APIs for this have changed significantly since version 0.3.0. For documentation for version 0.2.4 and below, visit this page (click me).

Getting contact options

To get Contact and RawContact options using query APIs provided in this library,

val contacts = Contacts(context)
    .query() // or broadQuery() and other query APIs
    // if you only want to include only options in the returned Contacts and RawContacts

for (contact in contacts) {
    Log.d("Contact", "${contact.options}")
    for (rawContact in contacts.rawContacts) {
        Log.d("RawContact", "${rawContact.options}")

ℹ️ For more info on query APIs, read Query contacts and Query contacts (advanced).

Setting Contact options

To update Contact options using update APIs,

        contact.mutableCopy {
            setOptions {
                starred = true
                customRingtone = null
                sendToVoicemail = false

To insert a new RawContact with options using insert APIs,

        setOptions {
            starred = true
            customRingtone = null
            sendToVoicemail = false

The inserted RawContact and parent Contact will contain the specified options.

ℹ️ For more info on insert and APIs, read Insert contacts and Update contacts.

Contact and RawContact options affect each other

Changes to the options of the parent Contact will be propagated to all child RawContact options. Changes to the options of a RawContact may or may not affect the options of the parent Contact. This propagation is done automatically by the Contacts Provider at the time the insert or update APIs provided in this library are committed.

Typically, you should only read/write Contact options. Don't mind RawContact options, unless you really want to. For example,

  • the AOSP Contacts app only allows reading and writing Contact options.
  • the Google Contacts app allows reading and writing Contact and RawContact options.

Setting RawContact options

Due to the aforementioned relationship of Contact and RawContact options, the update APIs provided in this library will prioritize Contact options over RawContact options. This means that any changes you make to RawContact options will be overshadowed by Contact options.

If you want to set RawContact options, then you should pass in the RawContact directly using the rawContacts function instead of passing in the Contact using the contacts function,

        rawContact.mutableCopy {
            setOptions {
                starred = true
                customRingtone = null
                sendToVoicemail = false

If you must pass Contacts instead of RawContacts and still want to prioritize RawContact options over Contact options, then you must exclude Contact options fields from the update operation,

    // Include all fields except for Contact options.

ℹ️ For more info on field includes, read Include only certain fields for read and write operations.

Starred in Android & Favorites Group Membership

When a Contact is starred, the Contacts Provider automatically adds a group membership to the favorites group for all RawContacts linked to the Contact. Setting the Contact starred to false removes all group memberships to the favorites group.

The Contact's "starred" value is interdependent with memberships to the favorites group. Adding a membership to the favorites group results in starred being set to true. Removing the membership sets it to false. This behavior can cause bugs and increased code complexity for API users.

Thus, the update APIs provided in this library overshadows membership changes to the favorites group with the value of Options.starred. In other words, the only way to star/favorite Contacts and RawContacts is to set the value of Options.starred. If you really want to star/favorite Contacts/RawContacts via membership to the favorites group (not recommended), then you must include Fields.GroupMembership.GroupId and also exclude Fields.Contact.Options.Starred and RawContactsFields.Options.Starred from the insert/update operations.

Using the ui RingtonePicker extensions

The contacts.ui.util.RingtonePicker.kt in the ui module` provides extension functions to make selecting existing ringtones easier. It provides you the same UX as the AOSP Contacts app.

To use it,

Activity {
    fun onSelectRingtoneClicked() {

    override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
        onRingtoneSelected(requestCode, resultCode, data) { ringtoneUri ->
            // set contact options customRingtone = ringtoneUri

Starting with Android 11 (API 30), you must include the following to your manifest in order to successfully use the above functions.

        <action android:name="android.intent.action.RINGTONE_PICKER" />